Thursday, April 05, 2007

Illinois Valley Oregon Design update April 3, 2007

Illinois Valley Oregon Design update April 3, 2007

Some changes have been made to the basic home site and navigation. Nice bright yellow boxes with links are listed on the inside.

This navigation setup is duplicated top and bottom for your convenience.

A handy Nav bar is available as well.

I designed a really interesting navigation system that look similar to a pad display that you might see some television Sci Fi shows which would show you the current page and the options of what surrounding pages have if you clicked in the different arrow directions. However this may be a bit too fancy / odd for a community based website. So I will use that for another project. :)

I hope you like the "cleaner" look on the page design

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Discussion Board Time Out has been extended.

Discussion Board Time Out has been extended from 60 minutes to 4 hours

GeorgeSR on the discussion board reported to me that he had tried a couple times to post to the discussion board some long posts about the area. Unfortunately when he clicked the "send" button, his post went to oblivion!

I am sorry that I missed out on those updates George! I bet they were good ones!

I looked into the matter and discovered that I had accepted the default setting of a timeout value on the Bulletin board of 3600 Seconds. That works out to an Hour of time at which point the bulletin board if it has not seen an update from the person will log you off. This is a very common feature for many web hosted applications. Some are kind enough to report you timed out with friendly message on your browser AFTER you hit the submit button. Others just simply say nothing. The original intent is to ration server resources to active sessions. Well until the board gets REALLY busy... I updated the server timeout feature to 14400 seconds.

So now you can type for almost 4 hours before the session will timeout! I suspect you were cut off just past the hour mark on some of your long posts! So hopefully this fix it!

So my apologies George! I certainly want to see long posts ! I have experienced this same problem on other discussion boards as user, but so I am so glad I could fix it here!

So post again George! I look forward to your latest info!
