Thursday, March 01, 2007

Illinois Valley Oregon Updates Status March 1, 2007

Illinois Valley Oregon Updates Status March 1, 2007 has had quite a bit of work in the background. So far you really haven't seen many changes as of late. Part of this is due to trying to find the right website look, tools, and features that people may want in the area. This has been all been part of a bigger picture of what websites are changing into in general. Those of you you who are tracking such things have seen quite a bit shift from website design over the past couple of years. So much of it seems to be a fight of the "cuteness" factor versus functionality.

Part of the charm of web design is its sheer flexibility. This means that you can be so flexible that no one understands it. Make it too simple and it is boring. One of my favorite complaints is making a website so complicated that you get lost. Even the feature of what are called "bread crumbs" seems to be a crutch to some bad website designs.

Frankly I want to make an easy and inviting website, featuring dynamic content and all that. Part of the issue is having something to say.

So I am working on a face lift to make it even easier to use and expose some other parts that have been in the works. Another pet peeve is having websites in which you wander empty "rooms" where there is no content!

So Yes. I am working on designs that contain "empty rooms" Well shortly I will show them. Hopefully I will make it easier for people interested in the area to fill them! :)

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